Thursday, August 27, 2020

Arts And Crafts Essay Example For Students

Expressions And Crafts Essay At the point when I am feeling the entirety of the strain and worry from my week begin to get to me, I have an inclination that I need to loosen up. I feel that I need to plan something for let go of the entirety of the contemplations I convey with me for the duration of the day. That is the point at which I glance through my craft supplies, so I can utilize my vitality in a beneficial manner. I love craftsmanship; it is my obsession. I do everything from sewing to painting and chiseling. It is such an arrival of strain and stress. Doing workmanship is my method of communicating. At the point when I make things I am ready to have time alone. Truth be told, The four heading lines of cover sheet data ought to show up just on the main page. Each new passage ought to be indented one tab or five spaces. Try not to put additional line spaces between sections. Doe 2 plainly Fitzgerald is endeavoring to reveal some insight into the bearing America was going after the First World War, When the war finished, Americans needed to overlook the difficulties and strife of the earlier years and concentrate upon the energetic brilliance and energy, which got normal for the Jazz Age. (adjusted from McGee) Jazz had been You MUST recognize the author(s) for all data you use in any sort of report, paper, or introduction that you do. The reason for documentation is twofold: to recognize a job well done, and to permit your peruser to find your sources, Every affirmation has TWO areas/parts. 1. In-text Citation affirmation tot a source utilized, put quickly at where it is utilized ? after a citation or after a summarized area. The exposed detail (most usually writers last name and page tot the statement or data) of the source is given in brackets and it guides the peruser to the total source section which shows up in the Works Cited. 2. Works Cited, Works Consulted, or References the rundown of sources utilized with complete distribution detail for each source. It starts on a different page(s) toward the finish of your work. The first word(s) of every reference is/are the words utilized in-text, put in sincerity. Works Cited incorporates all works which you refered to inside your work (ML style) Works Consulted incorporates favors which you refered to in your work and those you read, yet didnt utilize in your work (ML style) References incorporates all favors which you refered to in your work (PAP style) Your instructor will direct which style is to be utilized for documentation. The two styles that are utilized most regularly are those of the Modern Language Association (ML) and the American Psychological Association (PAP). The in-text reference uncovers the source that was utilized right at where it was utilized. This reference is on the other hand called an incidental reference or incidental reference. In brackets you ought to give the last name of the creator. Fifth writer isn't named, the title of the article (in quotes) or the title of the work (in italics) ought to be recorded. The word(s) that show up first in the Works Cited, ought to show up in brackets in your work with the page number of the citation (ML 214-215) Writing Style and utilization of Quotations set off from the content or run into it, cited material is generally gone before by a colon it the citation is officially presented and by a comma or no incaution if the citation is a basic piece of the sentence structure (ML 102). Shelley held a striking perspective: Poets are the unacknowledged officials of the World (794). Shelley thought artists were the unacknowledged lawmakers of the World (794). Artists, as indicated by Shelley, are the unacknowledged administrators of the World (734). ML 102) Construct an unmistakable, syntactically right sentence that permits you to present or consolidate a citation.. (ML 92) Lead up to your citation by giving the speaker and the circumstance. Try not to expect that the peruser knows the specific piece Of the book that you are citing. Dodge the utilization o f fake stating, for example, This citation demonstrates Follow up your citation by remarking on, clarifying, applying, deciphering, or making a determination from your citation. Try not to leave the peruser to accomplish the work! Never proceed onward to another point or passage following the citation. Present and follow up on every citation independently, Do not string them together. Maintain a strategic distance from excessively long citations. Stage Decoration and the Unity of Place in France in the Seventeenth Century-Part 2 EssayAs people terms, â€Å"art† and â€Å"craft† allude to uncertain aggregations of hierarchical and elaborate qualities and in this way can't be utilized as unequivocally as wc would need to utilize them on the off chance that they were logical or basic ideas. Since I will in any case have event to talk about workmanship and specialty universes, associations, and styles of work, it ought to be comprehended that in doing so I am alluding to some part of some people definition. I regularly allude to specific associations that verge on understanding the perfect blends suggested by the people terms, yet even these don't satisfy the hopes epitomized in the perfect, nor docs it matter logically that they do not.â In truth the ambiguities of the terms and the inconsistencies between what they foresee and what the world displays will be generally helpful in the examination, as those ambigui ties and logical inconsistencies happen specifically fields of movement experiencing change. At the point when change happens, the individuals included contend over the importance of the movement; along these lines looking at instances of progress starting with one defini tion then onto the next will assist us with seeing better the social significance of our fundamental terms. I have utilized materials from an assortment of sources my own involvement with a numlier of universes of workmanship and art just as socio intelligent and verifiable investigations of such universes yet 1 have not inspected any precise group of information in an orderly manner. For my significant models I have utilized the universes of the regular painstaking work (particularly earthenware production), whichâ produce objects equipped for visual thankfulness and in this manner will in general be connected to such high craftsmanship universes as painting and figure. However, the investigation is proposed to be more broad than that, and, however I talk to a great extent of such specialties, I will every so often show applications to different sorts of media and to per framing just as item delivering expressions and artworks.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Research paper budgeting Essay

The examination venture is the chance to show your comprehension of the readings just as contemplate planning and planning forms. This is a five to seven page paper (twofold divided, 12 point, Times New Roman). You will require a proposal proclamation, foundation and supporting data, and an end. The paper is an examination on your theme decision and may incorporate a blend of hypothesis and practice from at least one government models. The paper requires at any rate five sources with references (APA group) †in any event three of which must be â€Å"high-quality academic† sources. (To discover suitable assets, use †JSTOR and SAGE Journals Online are acceptable alternatives. Your course readings are additionally adequate.) You will be reviewed on both the nature of the thoughts and the nature of your work item. Subjects Choices †¢Public planning and morals †¢Innovative as well as new income hotspots for government †¢History and patterns of spending consumptions †¢International planning models †¢Public commitment in planning (effort to people in general, giving data, and so on.) †¢Innovation in planning models and approaches †¢Public planning and the effect on the economy †¢The contrasts between open planning and corporate planning rehearses †¢Evolution of open planning in the Internet period †¢The governmental issues and effect of a significant spending change (e.g., Social Security, World War II) †¢Public approach ramifications of open spending imperatives †¢Pros/cons of option planning forms †¢Alternative subject decisions must be submitted for endorsement Introduction You will make a brief introduction to the class on your exploration venture on the last day of class. You will likewise be required to respond to a couple of inquiries. This introduction must incorporate a one-page diagram or outline gift of your remarks. Evaluations will be founded on the nature of thoughts, freebee material and introduction. To get full credit, introductions must feature key data about the task, including an expansive diagram of the point, significant subtleties and critical discoveries; freebee material must be all around created with negligible mistakes; and introductions must be the necessary length (plus or minus 30 seconds) and expert with complete contemplations.

Friday, August 21, 2020

The English 10 Persuasive Essay Topics

The English 10 Persuasive Essay TopicsThe English 10 persuasive essay topics help you present your ideas well and in a creative way. As such, it will assist you to come up with strong and innovative essays.The English 10 persuasive essay topics can be used by those who have been toying with the idea of writing essays or have just started. They are just the right essay topics to use in order to successfully write an essay. These essays will truly help you organize your thoughts and demonstrate that you have the ability to effectively communicate your ideas to the reader.While the English 10 persuasive essay topics can help you organize your thoughts, they are also flexible. They can be used on their own as well as in conjunction with other essay topics. The last thing you want is to write an essay and not think of how to bring the essay to a close. Use the topics to come up with interesting ideas for concluding the essay.The English 10 persuasive essay topics will help you connect the events that you write about in your essay to some aspect of the author's life. An example of this would be, if you were to write about a first kiss, you could link it to the first kiss of the author's mother. As such, you get to reflect on how life has changed for the author. There are so many ways to approach this method of writing.One of the best ways to use the English 10 persuasive essay topics is to use a method called storytelling. There are many stories that can be told, and they can be used to illustrate the points of the essay. If you do not have a story to tell, then think of some ideas that you may be interested in. Write down what you find fascinating and organize them into a coherent and cohesive article.Another way to use the English 10 persuasive essay topics is to organize them. It is important to remember that each paragraph has the chance to express something, and it should do so in a very creative way. In this way, you can end each paragraph on a positive note. B y this, you can put your article to bed on a good note. By using these methods, you can come up with a really informative and useful essay.While the persuasive essay topics provide lots of opportunities for you to show your own personality, you can also use them to show the reader who you are. By doing this, you can take them on a journey and show them the depth of who you are. Many times, these authors who present themselves in a different way because they prefer to write in the voice of their characters in order to portray a different view of themselves.Of course, if you were to use the English 10 persuasive essay topics that use interesting stories, you can convey the theme of the essay in a different manner. While some people are content to use simple facts, there are others who are more passionate and driven to connect events that happened in their lives to other themes. All in all, the principles for creating strong essays is what you will want to use to better succeed with yo ur essays.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Concealed Carry A Controversial Issue Essay - 2184 Words

Concealed Carry: A Controversial Issue Many Americans tend to be on opposing sides when dealing with such a controversial issue such as gun control. A more specific category of such a broad topic as gun control is the practice that some Americans participate in, called concealed carry. Concealed carry is the practice of carrying a weapon, typically a handgun, on one’s body that is hidden from the public. This political issue hits many different institutions within America, such as many special interest groups, the constitution and Judicial branch of the government, and also the principle of Federalism. There are many special interest groups that associate themselves specifically with gun control. Each stance people take on the issue has some sort of interest group to defend the people and their beliefs. Simply, people that think that there should be more restrictions on who has the ability to carry a weapon and the controls on accessing weapons or those who feel there are too many restrictions on weapons. The NRA, or National Rifle Association, is one of the largest proponents of the right for individuals to protect themselves and bear Arms (NRA). Whereas, the Brady Campaign is a group that pushes for tighter restrictions on gun control and their goal is to help reduce the amount of deaths caused by guns each year (Brady Campaign). The overall objective of special interest groups is establishing some sort of platform that many local citizens can associate themselves with inShow MoreRelatedThe Benefits of Concealed Carry of Firearms Essay1547 Words   |  7 PagesThe Benefits of Co ncealed Carry Did you know that the concealed carry of firearms has dropped the crime rates in every state across the United States in the states that enforce it. Concealed carry is a very controversial topic in the U.S.. Citizens are either on the pro side, or they are totally against it. Every state in the union either has a law or is in the process of making a law for the concealed carry of weapons. The concealed carry of firearms drastically lowers the crime rates and makeRead MoreThe, Concealed Gun And Concealed Guns On Campus1258 Words   |  6 PagesThe term â€Å"concealed gun† refers to any deadly gun that is carried on or about a person. Allowing students and faculty on college campuses to carry loaded, concealed guns could lead to an elevation in crime, increase the potential for unintentional injury, permit a fast-acting dangerous person easier access to a weapon, and ultimately disregards beneficence. Being allowed to carry concealed guns on campus will not only put students and faculty in danger, but everyone who happens to be on the collegeRead MorePersuasive For Why Guns Should Be Allowed On College Campuses883 Words   |  4 PagesCollege Campuses Gun-control laws are a very controversial topic right now in the U.S., especially when it comes to allowing concealed-carry holders on college campuses. Nevertheless, guns should be permitted for concealed carry on college campuses if the carriers have concealed-carry licenses because mass shootings occur mostly in gun-free zones. There have been many incidents in which concealed-carry holders have disarmed attackers, and concealed-carry holders are overwhelmingly law-abiding citizensRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Gun Control Laws1324 Words   |  6 Pagesstates that are more restrictive of firearm ownership (may-issue) states, those that allow easy access to and protection of the right to keep and bear firearms for self-defense, sport and hunting (shall-issue) jurisdictions and finally, a cursory look will be placed on states that allow citizens to keep and bear a concealed handgun with or without a permit. This is an unrestricted jurisdiction which is popularly called; â€Å"cons titutional carry†. This article suggests that the state of Texas and probablyRead MoreThe Campus Carry Bill Is A Controversial Bill985 Words   |  4 Pages The campus carry bill is a controversial bill that has been passed in many states and in August 2016 it will be enforced in Texas. States like Colorado, Idaho, Kansas and Mississippi have all approved the bill allowing private colleges to follow the law or not, however public colleges are only allowed to choose areas on campus that will be gun-free. The campus carry bill states, individuals 21 years of age, which obtain a handgun license, will be able to carry a gun on campus. The idea of the campusRead MoreIs There A Perfect Balance For Gun Control?872 Words   |  4 Pagesthe battle between â€Å"pro-second amendment conservatives† and â€Å"gun control democrats†. There are several topics that dictate individual’s opinions on gun control. Some of these topics include; the second amendment rights, criminal activity, and concealed carry. But here is the real question: is there a perfect balance for gun control? There was an important article that was ratified on December 15, 1791. This document was the Second Amendment. The text represented in the amendment is as follows: â€Å"ARead MoreConcealed Carry Across The States1646 Words   |  7 Pages Concealed Carry Across the States Gaven D. Crosby Pennsylvania College of Technology â€Æ' In this paper, I will discuss Pennsylvania Concealed Carry laws, benefits of concealed carry and my views on such, states that Pennsylvania has reciprocity with and the troubles this creates, and the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2014. Concealed Carry is the act of carrying a handgun that is hidden, usually under clothing. Concealed Carry is a controversial topic in today’s age, especially withRead MoreThe True Nature Of School Shootings1066 Words   |  5 PagesMass Shootings are among the most controversial topics talk about in modern day society, and this is due to the apparent rise in shootings over the past couple of years. The nation has witnessed some of the most gruesome shootings in History such as Virginia Tech, and Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting. From the aftermath of these shootings, a solution was found to prevent such things from happening which is allow concealed-carry weapons on college campuses. It is said if there are more guns onRead MoreCalifo rnia Gun Laws Essay950 Words   |  4 Pagesbe infringed. This shows the importance of guns to the founding fathers and to the safety of our country all together. Without a well regulated militia and the right to bear arms, we would not even have the country we live in. Firearms are not an issue as long as they are safely operated and a little common sense. With proper training and safety devices, firearms are no more of a threat to innocent individuals then any baseball bat or golf club. Studies show that 31% of unintentional deaths causedRead MoreGun Control: Regulating Concealed Guns1025 Words   |  4 Pagesnotice that the matter of regulation, first of all, refers to concealed guns. Lott (2013) states that the problem of allowing concealed handguns--but not openly carried handguns--is based on the argument that â€Å"when guns are concealed, criminals are unable to tell whether the victim is armed before striking, which raises the risk to criminals of committing many types of crimes.† The author also speculates that, on the other hand, when â€Å"open-carry† handgun laws are adopted, the defensive ability of a potential

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Beneatha Character in A Raisin in the Sun - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1001 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/04/02 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: A Raisin in the Sun Essay Did you like this example? Hansberry promotes a sense of African heritage through her character, Beneatha. Beneatha was a college student struggling to find her identity. She tried to find herself by getting in touch with her roots. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Beneatha Character in A Raisin in the Sun" essay for you Create order Beneatha tries to express her opinions and ideas, but since she is the youngest she feels confined and restricted. Hansberry states Beneathas conflict when she writes Why? Why cant I say what I want to around here like everybody else? (Hansberry 39). It is when she begins to embrace the thought of returning to her African roots, she started to appear happier. Although, Beneathas happiness may in some cases be attributed to possible infatuation, Hansberry shows her true passion concerning embracing her African heritage through Beneathas original conversation with Asagai when she states You see, Mr. Asagai, I am looking for my identity! (Hansberry 49). Thus, by revealing Beneathas interest in Africa to be genuine, coupled with her excitement, Hansberry then expresses a sense of pride in returning to ones roots as well as encourages African Americans to embrace theirs. Hansberry connects African heritage to not only a sense of belonging, but also hope in an unpredictable, and difficult future, which as a result gives strength, and hope to African Americans in a time when they faced resentment and segregation in various parts of the United States. This message continues today as a source of pride for ones heritage as well as hope in times of trouble, such as the economic trouble faced by many Americans in the recent years. However, Kristin Matthews argues that the focus on pan-Africanism takes Blacks away from more pressing issues like racism and civil rights. She states that during Beneathas dance her eyes are far away back to the past as a means of challenging the racist capitalist system represented by George Murchison (Matthews 563). Yet, by fantasizing in the past, Beneatha fails to focus on the issues of the present, thus inhibiting her from making time-relevant decisions regarding her current predicament and future. At the same time: Just as Georges assimilationist black bourgeoisie is an escape rather than a solution to the socio-economic crisis of blackness facing the Younger family Asagais proposal of a Pan-African return an escape. Leaving Southside Chicago would not change Southside Chicago nor would it change her familys present position within that oppressive social system. (Matthews 564) Through this statement, Matthews points out that a returning to ones African heritage does not solve ones problems in their own country nor does it change the problems that the Younger family faces moving to an all-white neighborhood. However, despite Matthews arguments that returning to ones African heritage pulls that attention from more issues at home. Hansberrys focus and encouragement still creates a sense of pride for African Americans in their African roots. As a result, Hansberry encourages self-pride in African Americans as well; after all, one needs to be proud of ones heritage before they can be completely proud of oneself. Besides encouraging interest in African heritage, Hansberry also examines the black national identity and how the two are connected. She achieves such through her variation of the American Dream as defined by her characters, Lena and Walter. For Lena, the ultimate realization of the American Dream lies in finally owning a house. Hansberry expresses Lenas yearning in the statement: I remember just as well the day me and Big Walter move in here Hadnt been married but two weeks and wasnt planning on living here no more than a year (Hansberry 32). Although Lena fails to realize this dream until after her husbands death, she continually works towards achieving her American Dream, not matter how many times other events cause it to be deferred. On the other hand, Walter defines the American Dream in terms of social and financial standing, thus leading to his desire to open a liquor store. However, Walters desire for wealth becomes blinding to the point of fantasy, illustrated when he says Ill pull the car up in the driveway just a plain black Chrysler something a little sportier for Ruth maybe a Cadillac convertible (Hansberry 91). For Walter this fantasy becomes so controlling that he only begins to face reality and establishes his own self-identity after his dreams of business are crushed. Sayed Abdelmawjoud explains: Previously, he was totally self-centered ignoring the dreams and needs of the other members of the family and thinking exclusively about his materialistic personal gains. Now, he forgets all about such selfish things and takes into account all the members of the family. (Abdelmawjoud 12). This critique explains the change noted in Walter at the end of the play when he lets go of his dreams to quickly strike it rich and begins to think of what is best for his family. Through this realization, Hansberry address the importance of family and dignity over money and materialistic wealth. Thus showing how there is more to life than possessions. However, by characterizing Walter as a young black man, trying to achieve the same lifestyle as whites, Hansberry reflects the ideology held by many African Americans, however, by showing a change in Walters thinking, she establishes the black identity as more than keeping up with white people. She shows that the black national identity includes not only hard work, but family and self-pride as well. At the end of the play, Walter states we come from a people who had a lot of pride. I mean we are a very proud people (Hansberry 130). By stating that not only do they, the Youngers have a lot of pride, but also the people they come from, Hansberry includes pride into the definition of the black national identity. This encompasses many different prides, including pride of oneself, ones national identity, and ones heritage. Through this, the author calls African Americans to not try and copy the lifestyle and ways of white Americans, but instead to embrace who they are and where they came from as blacks and to use that pride and identity to carve their place in American history.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I Am Grateful For Small Things, Big Things And Everything

â€Å"Be grateful for small things, big things, and everything in between. Count your blessings, not your problems. - Mandy Hale I believe there are many traits in life that make you a good person and lead you to live a happy life, but being grateful is one of the best traits you could obtain. Being grateful is one thing I feel many people in our society forget to do. One day I learned to always appreciate what I have instead of what I don’t. â€Å"So what did the doctor say?† I remember asking this question so simply thinking my father had just gone to a simple check up. It was late in the afternoon on what seemed like any other normal day. My parents had just gotten home from my father’s doctor appointment when they picked me and my sister up to take her to softball practice. â€Å"We’ll talk about when we get home† my mother said very softly. My sister always being the one to just go along with what my parents had said just muttered a simple â€Å"okay.† I however have not been a very cooperative child â€Å"Well why can’t you just tell us now?† I stated simply annoyed with the fact that my parents were not answering my question. â€Å"We don’t want your sister to be distracted at practice† my dad said. Instantly a flood of worry rushed through me. â€Å"If it’s so important that it would distracted Cheyenne at practice it has to be something seriou s.† I thought to myself. Anxiously I waited until we arrived at the high school and my sister had exited the car. â€Å"So can you tell me now she’s gone?† I askedShow MoreRelatedNotes On Nature Keeps Us Alive1356 Words   |  6 Pages11. Nature Nature keeps us alive, so it is something that I am totally thankful for. The trees give us oxygen. The rivers, lakes, and oceans give us water. The beauty of it fills our souls and makes us happy. The sound of it relaxes us. There is so much to be thankful for about nature. I am grateful for every day I got to experience it. 12. My Mind I have a friend who has a brother that has an illness where he can t comprehend things or speak. He has been living physically for over 45 yearsRead MoreEvent Changed My Life1514 Words   |  7 PagesI want to share with you five things that I implemented into my life that created amazing, compounding change, and completely shifted the direction and energy of my life. I came to them through reading, talking with others, and taking an honest look at my circumstances and the chain of events that led me to be where I was. I was discouraged by the drudgery, loneliness, and lack of direction I found embedded in my day to day experience. I used the wisdom and experience of many to create a plan ofRead MoreMy Experience Of My Personal Experience805 Words   |  4 PagesSession I always wonder how it feels to be heard and what the reactions of others will be. I never had that feeling but I constantly question myself if it’s worth the try. My fear for society has always been a thing, I don’t know why. It may not be a big deal to others and easy for others to speak up but to me it’s not. It’s not easy to be speak nor share, people who know me may wonder why but not even I would understand why. Growing up I have always been quiet but little does everyone know how I reallyRead MoreThe New Kid758 Words   |  4 Pagesyou up and judging you. This was the case for me when I moved in the middle of 6th grade. I moved from a small town. The middle school I was going to attend was more than four times the size of the school I had previously been attending. I was scared, and I didn’t know what to think. I knew the new school was going to be completely different than my old one. The whole day was going completely down hill until one little thing changed everything. You only really know what it’s like to be the newRead MoreI Have A Lot Of Anxiety1011 Words   |  5 PagesI use to have a lot of anxiety. I don’t know how it started; I think maybe I got too deep in thought and my brain started focusing on the worst case scenarios, for every situation. Before learning on how to deal with my anxiety, I learned to hide it, to bottle it up inside and play the role like everything was fine. When I was nine, my parents and I decided that I would go to camp that summer; however, before I was supposed to leave, I got so anxious that I did not even want to go. â€Å"Michael, whatRead MoreMy Experience With A Learning Experience907 Words   |  4 Pagesexperience and I couldn’t be more grateful for all the opportunities I got to encounter over the past several weeks. I got the chance to be a part of a learning support program that was a push-in and pull-out service. I got to work with children in grades 3 through 5 and I got to build professional relationships with teachers in grades 3 through 5. This experience taught me so much: from having to lesson plan weekly for every lesson, to reflecting on everything that I do (and how what I do affects myRead MoreMy Identity And Identity Essay : Who I Am1127 Words   |  5 PagesI was never the type of person to really question my identity; it was never anything too important to me. Until recent events that have happened to the world that has really brought my attention to who I am and why I should be proud of my heritage and identity. It’s what separates me from other people. The small unique things that create the picture of the type of person that I am. Identity means to me who I am, where I have lived, and how I treat people. â€Å"Who I am†, sounds like an easy questionRead MoreWhat Makes The Great Recession So Great?1027 Words   |  5 PagesGreat Recession is that individuals often believe that it only refers to the United States. However, The Great Recession was a global event which even managed to reach the small country of Scotland. My initial question was a trick one. There is no one reason, or cause, which makes The Great Recession â€Å"great.† It is everything that contributed to it combined. There are so many aspects to how and why The Great Recession occurred, it’s hard to make one reason more valuable than the other. However, contradictingRead MoreThe Columbine High School Shooting By Rachel Joy Scott1388 Words   |  6 PagesChallenge program was run by Ms. Chantel Smith and a major part of this club was an event in the gymnasium every other year called â€Å"Chain Reaction.† In my junior year I was invited to go to the event and it transformed my life for the b etter. I learned a lot in high school, however the most important thing may have been the lesson in compassion I received from this program. It made me want to change the world. But how would one person be able to change the world all by themselves? The answer, a chain reactionRead MoreHow My Parents Raised Me1720 Words   |  7 Pagesas I can remember I have had a happy childhood. I don’t have a dramatic or a traumatic experience as to how my parents raised me like most of the other kids. My parents handled my wrongdoings and mistakes very calmly, although I can’t remember doing something that’s very bad. I guess you could say that I’m spoiled but I don’t think I am. Being an only child I think helped on making my punishments not that painful. But how my parents raised me is what made me the person that I am today, and I think

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Management of Organization Using Academic Theories and Concepts

Question: Discuss about the Management of Organizations Using Academic Theory and Concepts. Answer: Introduction The topic chosen for this Individual Business Report is about the importance of going through academic theories, journals, articles and textbooks on how a manager should work on the developing the skills to tackle the real world organizations. The specific environments related to business organizations have to be discussed. One real life factor of the company has to be taken and the impact of the factor on the organization is going to be put under focus in order to make a proper analysis. Academic Theories and Concepts Some academic theories and concepts help us to have a better understanding of the issues relating to management. These theories and concepts have to be applied properly to get a better result by the managers in their field of works (Miner 2015). These theories include: Contingency Theory Contingency theory gives the most importance to the fact of managers ability to decide on proper situations according to the current situation. He should be able to take decisions on what the most important criteria is. He should also encourage more participation from his workers and develop a leadership skill in himself. Systems Theory The Systems Theory describes the utility of different systems and its effects. Different systems affect the workers and workers effect different systems in different ways. Systems theory has a larger implication on the field of management. This theory helps the managers to look into different patterns and events in the working environments. This helps the managers to see the work as a collective whole. Chaos Theory Changes and modifications are necessary for any organization. Some events in an organization can be controlled and some cannot be. The chaos theory concentrates on the changeable aspects and confirms that change is an inevitable phenomenon. The more the organizations grow, the more the complexities increase as well. The entire system continues to evolve on a regular basis. After going through academic journals and articles about organizations, it can be noted that some procedures that help to increase the productivity of the organizations (Vaccaro et al. 2012). Development of Organizations helps in the procedure and techniques of making a sustainable development in a better way according to the circumstances. This technique caters a lot to the improvement of all the organizations. Specific Environment Specific environment of an organization means the portion of an overall situation that directly applies to the business organizations. A business manager has to be ready always and should have a sharp focus on the assessment on the specific environments so that he can be able to make best-informed decisions. The discussion has to be focused and centered on the textbook published by the selected organization Pearson Australia (Robbins et al. 2013). Specific environments have different components that enhance the organizations developments. Two of the most important aspects are firstly, customers and clients and secondly, suppliers. Pearson Australia has been pioneering the field in the education field in Australia for years now. Its growth rate has always been on the high. Consequently, it has been winning various awards every year. In the recent financial year, it has received several awards that have catered to an increase to the customer base of the company (, 2017). In the course of specific environment, Pearson Australia has done a very good job in case of customer and client support. Conclusion In the concluding portion, the facts that have been discussed will be summed up. Pearson Australia has occupied a top spot according to the reports. The specific environment components have been fulfilled and the journals and articles have been analyzed in accordance to the different theories and concepts. References Miner, J.B., 2015.Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership. Routledge. (2017). Educational Publishing Awards Australia 2016. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Mar. 2017]. Robbins, S., De Cenzo, D., Coulter, M. and Woods, M., 2013.Management: The essentials. Pearson Higher Education AU. Vaccaro, I.G., Jansen, J.J., Van Den Bosch, F.A. and Volberda, H.W., 2012. Management innovation and leadership: The moderating role of organizational size.Journal of Management Studies,49(1), pp.28-51.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Does The Human Genome Project Affect The Moral Standards Of Society Es

Does the Human Genome Project affect the moral standards of society Does the Human Genome Project affect the moral standards of society? Can the information produced by it become a beneficial asset or a moral evil? For example, in a genetic race or class distinction the use of the X chromosome markers can be used for the identification of a persons ethnicity or class (Murphy,34). A seemingly harmless collection of information from the advancement of the Human Genome Project. But, lets assume this information is used to explore ways to deny entry into countries, determine social class, or even who gets preferential treatment. Can the outcome of this information effect the moral standards of a society? The answers to the above and many other questions are relative to the issues facing the Human Genome Project. To better understand these topics a careful dissection of the terminology must be made. Websters Dictionary defines morality as ethics, upright conduct, conduct or attitude judged from the moral standpoint. It also defines a moral as concern ed with right and wrong and the distinctions between them. A Genome is "the total of an individuals genetic material," including, "that part of the cell that controls heredity" (Lee,4). Subsequently, "reasearch and technology efforts aimed at mapping and sequencing large portions or entire genomes are called genome projects" (Congress,4). Genome projects are not a single organizations efforts, but instead a group of organizations working in government and private industry through out the world. Furthermore, the controversies surrounding the Human Genome Project can be better explained by the past events leading to the project, the structure of the project, and the moral discussion of the project. The major events of genetic history are important to the Human Genome Project because the structure and most of the project deals with genetics. Genetics is the study of the patterns of inheritance of specific traits (Congress,202). The basic beginnings of genetic history lay in the an cient techniques of selective breeding to yield special characteristics in later generations. This was and still is a form of genetic manipulation by "employing appropriate selection for physical and behavioral traits" (Gert,2). Futheralong, the work of Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk, on garden peas established the quantitative discipline of genetics. Mendel's work explained the inheritance of traits can be stated by factors passed from one generation to the next; a gene. The complete set of genes for an organism is called it's genome (Congress,3). These traits can be explained due to the inheritance of single or multiple genes affected by factors in the environment (3). Mendel also correctly stated that two copies of every factor exists and that one factor of inheritance could be dominate over another (Gert,3).The next major events of genetic history involved DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). DNA, as a part of genes, was discovered to be a double helix that encodes the blueprints for a ll living things (Congress,3). DNA was found to be packed into chromosomes, of which 23 pairs existed in each cell of the human body. Furthermore, one chromosome of each pair is donated from each parent. DNA was also found to be made of nucleotide chains made of four bases, commonly represented by A, C, T, and G. Any ordered pair of bases makes a sequence. These sequences are the instructions that produce molecules, proteins, for cellular structure and biochemical functions. In relation, a marker is any location on a chromosome where inheritance can be identified and tracked (202). Markers can be expressed areas of genes (DNA) or some segment of DNA with no known coding function but an inheritance could be traced (3). It is these markers that are used to do genetic mapping. By the use of genetic mapping isolated areas of DNA are used to find if a person has a specific trait, inherent factor, or any other numerous genetic information. In conclusion, the genetic history of ancient sel ective breeding to Mendel's garden peas to the current isolation of genes has been reached only through collaborative data of many organizations and scientist. The Human Genome Project has several objectives. To better understand the moral issues that exist the project itself must be examined. Among the many objectives, DNA databases that include

Monday, March 9, 2020

Why Arguments Against Free Trade Are Flawed

Why Arguments Against Free Trade Are Flawed Economists conclude, under some simple assumptions, that allowing free trade in an economy improves welfare for society overall. If free trade opens up a market to imports, then consumers benefit from the low-priced imports more than producers are hurt by them. If free trade opens up a market for exports, then producers benefit from the new place to sell more than consumers are hurt by higher prices. Nonetheless, there are a number of common arguments made against the principle of free trade. Lets go through each of them in turn and discuss their validity and applicability. The Jobs Argument One of the main arguments against free trade is that, when trade introduces lower cost international competitors, it puts domestic producers out of business. While this argument isnt technically incorrect, it is short-sighted. When looking at the free trade issue more broadly, on the other hand, it becomes clear that there are two other important considerations. First, the loss of domestic jobs is coupled with reductions in prices of goods that consumers buy, and these benefits shouldnt be ignored when weighing the tradeoffs involved in protecting domestic production versus free trade. Second, free trade not only reduces jobs in some industries, but it also creates jobs in other industries. This dynamic occurs both because there are usually industries where the domestic producers end up being exporters (which increases employment) and because the increased income held by foreigners who benefited from free trade is at least partly used to buy domestic goods, which also increases employment. The National Security Argument Another common argument against free trade is that it is risky to depend on potentially hostile countries for vital goods and services. Under this argument, certain industries should be protected in the interests of national security. While this argument is also not technically incorrect, it is often applied much more broadly than it should be in order to preserve the interests of producers and special interests at the expense of consumers. The Infant-Industry Argument In some industries, pretty significant learning curves exist such that production efficiency increases rapidly as a company stays in business longer and gets better at what it is doing. In these cases, companies often lobby for temporary protection from international competition so that they can have a chance to catch up and be competitive. Theoretically, these companies should be willing to incur short-term losses if the long-term gains are substantial enough, and thus shouldnt need assistance from the government. In some cases, however, companies are liquidity constrained enough that it cant weather the short-term losses, but, in those cases, it makes more sense for governments to provide liquidity via loans than to provide trade protection. The Strategic-Protection Argument Some proponents of trade restrictions argue that the threat of  tariffs, quotas, and the like can be used as a bargaining chip in international negotiations. In reality, this is often a risky and unproductive strategy, largely because threatening to take action that is not in a nations best interest is often viewed as a non-credible threat. The Unfair-Competition Argument People often like to point out that its not fair to allow competition from other nations because other countries dont necessarily play by the same rules, have the same costs of production, and so on. These people are correct in that its not fair, but what they dont realize is that the lack of fairness actually helps them rather than hurts them. Logically, if another country is taking actions to keep its prices low, domestic consumers benefit from the existence of low-priced imports. Granted, this competition can put some domestic producers out of business, but its important to remember that consumers benefit more than producers lose in exactly the same way as when other countries are playing fair but happen to be able to produce at lower cost anyway. In summary, the typical arguments made against free trade are generally not convincing enough to outweigh the benefits of free trade except in very particular circumstances.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Cross Cultural Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Cross Cultural Management - Essay Example The diversity management programs are aimed at creating a welcoming organizational environment. Without the diversity management programs in workplaces there would be trouble within the organization in terms of employee relations and general performance of the company. This is because the policies in place do not accommodate people of diverse cultures. For example, an employee may have different sexual orientation from the one that is permitted within the policies of the organization. The employee in question may be good and productive, but since the organization cannot accommodate the culture, the employee is forced to lose the job. Cox (2001) notes, â€Å"The challenge of diversity is not simply to have it but to create conditions in which its potential to be a performance barrier is minimized and its potential to enhance performance is maximized. (P.10). The main reasons that make companies adapt to the cultural diversity of their personnel are to give individuals equal opportuni ties, compensatory justice, equality in the workplace, increase talent pools , competitive advantage, and to make good business sense. Solutions to questions Give individuals equal opportunities Adapting to the cultural diversity of personnel is aimed at giving equal opportunities to individuals. ... This can lead to a loss-loss situation in that, the individual will lose the job and the company may miss the opportunity to recruit a competent employee. Compensatory justice The companies encourage diversity in workplaces†to overcome historical discrimination against specific groups of people to compensate those who have been intentionally and unjust fully wronged (kellough, 2006; Valasquez, 2005).These specific groups of people may have been discriminated due to their race, ethnicity and sexual orientation. Compensatory justice is another way of improving the corporate image and enhancing equality within the organization. This is most people like to be employed by the companies that have improved both their formal and informal structures to accommodate them. This is because everyone wishes to work in an environment in which they feel safe and adequately represented. Promotion of equality in workplace Having policies and structures that support diverse cultures is an effectiv e way of promoting equality in a workplace. This creates the picture within the organization that no culture is given preference over the other. All cultures are treated equally. The equity has not been achieved in most organizations. This is because most companies tend to exclude the majority group and give special attention to the minority group. This still does not achieve equality as the majority group becomes the discriminated group. Cultural diversity management not only refers to the groups that have been looked down upon, but to the â€Å"mixture of differences, similarities and tensions that can exist among the elements of a pluralistic mixture† (Thomas, 2005, P.93). Increased talent

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Effect of music during worship sevice Term Paper

Effect of music during worship sevice - Term Paper Example This "Effect of music during worship sevice" essay outlines the role of music during praying. From the findings, music during worship is necessary since worship starts with a vocal praise and helps the worshippers enter presence with God through exalting him (Stringer, 2005). Music during worship will establish the mood thus enabling the congregation to value both faith and feelings towards the creator (White, 2010). Musical rhythms have deep personal associations for worshippers thus act as a reference point during worship (Leonard, 1990). Music during worship facilitates revelation since Christians believe that revelation that is both natural through human experience and also supernatural through praise and worship (Smith, 2004). However, majority of the Catholic respondents see music as not essential during worship and they do not necessary express their freedom through bodily movements, but through prayer (Hauerwas & Wells, 2011). From the above findings, it is clear that a major ity of the Churches incorporate music during their worship regardless of whether in an urban or rural setting. Since contemporary music is the most preferred type of music, some Christian denominations like Methodist, Baptism and Non-denominational will have to enhance the quality of the music in order to attract more congregation (Macquarrie, 2003). Music provides the worshippers with a freedom to express their deep feelings about their God through dancing, joy and lifting of hands (White, 2006). Music is a means of exhortation since some anthems and solos are purely geared at exhortation thus worshippers will be able to express their personal testimony with their God thus acting as both worshippers and the preacher (Foley & Bangert, 2000). Praise through music humbles the worshippers since it is a sign of adoration from the creator thus something dynamic usually happens in the souls of the singers (Kurtz, 2008). Music

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Globalization And Impact Of Mcdonalds Globalization Commerce Essay

Globalization And Impact Of Mcdonalds Globalization Commerce Essay In the irreversible tide of globalization, whether developed countries or developing countries, regardless of whether it is willing, have consciously or unconsciously integrated into the process, or they will lose living space. Certain culture is linked to a certain level of economic development. Economic globalization is bound to have profound effects on global culture, so all kinds of culture are undergoing great changes under the great driving force of economic globalization. Culture has a lot to with the contemporary way of life, so globalization has a great impact on the consumers (David, 1996). In the process of globalization, many enterprises embark on a path from Localization to globalization, and McDonalds is just the example that plays an important part in the fast-food business in the world. McDonalds has made a great success in the international arena since its inception, and it has left a deep impression on the mind of many consumers. Now McDonalds is not just a restaura nt, but also a cultural symbol, which has an impact on consumers. McDonalds has implemented a series of marketing strategies in order to adapt to the cultural environment of other countries, and this changes also affect the local consumers. Now McDonalds has become a global icon, and it affects the lifestyle of people worldwide. This article mainly includes two parts: the first part focuses on human consequences of globalization, and the second section is primarily about McDonalds globalization and the impact on consumers. 2, human consequences of globalization Globalization is a new phenomenon becoming increasingly apparent since 1980s, and it is the basic characteristics of our times (Steger, 2003). Globalization is a process, which refers to the flow of material and spiritual products break the shackles of regional and national boundaries, affecting every corner of life on Earth. Globalization also includes cross-border movement of personnel. The flow of human is the highest level of comprehensive between material and spiritual movement. In the process of globalization, the most obvious feature is economic globalization. Globalization has a great impact on human, and the influence is increasing with time going on. Correctly understanding and properly dealing with globalization is conducive to promote economic development and progress of human civilization. Just as every coin has two sides, globalization also has two different effects on human. Globalization has gone far beyond the economic field and is producing a wide range of influence on the international political, security, social and cultural fields. The positive effects of globalization are as follows: the first aspect is on promoting the development of innovation. Globalization promotes the global optimal allocation of production, resources, personnel, trade, investment and finance, which reduces costs and improves efficiency. If countries would like to explore advanced development model, they must consider the factors of globalization and make use of the opportunities of globalization. The second aspect focuses on promoting the rational allocation of resources. Globalization can reasonably allocate the worldwide Capital, technology, products, markets, resources and labor. Globalization has accelerated the free flow of production factors in the worldwide and formed a unified gl obal market, which promote the globalization of multinational operations and restructuring of global industry, and maximize the optimal allocation of resources. The third aspect is primarily about boosting human civilization. Based on globalization, global issues, global interests and global governance, human may form new common values of human and new human civilization, which can break the Wests leading role of human civilization and achieve a higher surpass than Western civilization. When seeing the positive effects of globalization, at the same time, the gradual accumulation of its negative effect can not be ignored (Stiglitz, 2003). The first aspect is about instability of the world economy. Globalization strengthens the instability of the world economy, which is adverse for countries to make a development. The relationship between national economies and the world economy is becoming more closely under globalization. Each countrys economic stability will depend not only on thei r domestic factors, to a greater extent by the tremendous impact of international factors. Fierce competition and economic instability increase the difficulty of developing the national economy. The second aspect is on global economic crisis. With the increasing close of the global economic chain, it has a big possibility that a sharp rise in energy prices, serious financial order out of control, obviously big countrys economic recession may cause the global economic recession. 3, McDonalds globalization and the impact on consumers 3.1 McDonalds globalization McDonalds corporate headquarter is located in the Illinois of United States, which is an international company of possessing multi-billion dollar. Now McDonalds has become one of the largest fast food chains in the world. Since the McDonald brothers and Ray Kroc, the founders of McDonalds opened its first restaurant in the Illinois of United States, McDonalds has established more than 30,000 restaurants, located in over 120 countries and the regions around the world, and its worldwide turnover is about 10.49 billion dollars ¼Ã‹â€ Ritzer, 2006 ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °. McDonalds is developing at a rapid speed, and McDonalds represents an American way of life in many countries. McDonalds sales firmly carbonated drinks that Coca-Cola Company offers, McDonalds and Coca-Cola Company practically form strategic alliances. McDonalds around the world make appropriate adjustments and try to be in accordance with the tastes of local people. In addition, McDonalds now controls some other restaurant brands, such as Aroma Cafà ©, and Donatos Pizza. In 2008, McDonalds total revenue reached 23.5 billion U.S. dollars, net profit of 4.3 billion U.S. dollars. Ronald McDonald as one of the McDonalds signs, a symbol of harmony and friendliness, represents that McDonalds will always be your friend and community member. McDonalds is ready every now and then for children and communitys development to devote its strengths. Childrens Charity Foundation of Ronald McDonald was established in 1984, and the organization has donated more than 5 million U.S. dollars to help the children around the world. McDonalds has made a great success on a global scale. Over half of McDonalds restaurants are located overseas, which is the globalization strategies of McDonalds. McDonalds restaurants can be discovered in 118 countries and regions around the world, serving 50 million consumers everyday (Alfino, 1998). McDonalds has opened 100 new restaurants in China a year, and meanwhile, McDonalds has accomplished it s goal of 1000 new restaurants by the opening of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, which are all the certification of McDonalds globalization. The founders of McDonalds have never anticipated that their ambition has so astounding influence. The influential development of McDonalds has an impact not only on the fast-food industry, but also on the contemporary way of life, and the impact is likely to accelerate in the early 21st century. 3.2 McDonalds impact on consumers Just as globalization has two different aspects of effects on human beings, in the process of McDonalds globalization, McDonalds impacts on consumers are also different, including positive effect and negative impact. Ronald McDonald is McDonalds Chief Happiness Officer, and he has lasted for about 50 years. Previously, children, youth, parents and other market segments were familiar with amiable Ronald McDonald, who was a good brand ambassador. McDonalds corporate culture is a kind of family-happy culture, which emphasizes its influences of happy culture. Duo to its huge influences, McDonalds has an impact on eating habits of consumers. MacDonalds has three characteristics: quick, cheap and widely accepted by the public. But the feature of fast has actually changed. Fast food restaurants have changed into the conveniently leisure and recreation area, so the function has changed (Schlosser, 2002). Now the restaurants have turned into the celebration ceremony, the premises of reading and writing, birthday party places, and leisure venue for chatting. From the feature of cheap, most people only occasionally patronize, which explains that the food is not real cheap. From a deeper level, the significance of McDonalds as a symbol of American culture is more obvious than as a symbol of fast food. McDonalds has become a cultural ambassador and make more people understand American culture. The meal price of McDonalds between species has little difference, so does the consumption level and the services provided. Warm dining environment and good services attract many kinds of social groups, and McDonalds is showing a different image in all kinds of peoples minds. All kinds of people with different needs and life experience see the same thing, and their feelings also are different (Tomlinson, 1999). They grasp a point of McDonalds culture from their own perspective. McDonalds have taken a wide range of measures in the business strategy, in order to meet all levels of society and people of all ages, such as facilitates for young lovers as the Valentines corner and Childrens Paradise. And the staffs are dressed up as McDonalds uncle, aunt, and play with children. Many children are fond of the food of McDonalds and they want to patronize McDonald as often as they can. Though many young lovers may do not like the food, they also want to go to McDonalds, because the environment of McDonalds is good (Ritzer, 1996). No matter McDonalds marketing idea and McDonalds business philosophy, are all established to attract more customers, and McDonalds has more and more huge impact on eating habits of consumers. When McDonalds affect the eating habits of consumers, it also shock the culture of different countries. In the context of globalization, different cultures around the world communicate, permeate, collide and merge with each other. No strong cultural is not a real power. If countries want to become a power, they should prevent its own culture from cultural erosion. In the process of McDonalds globalization, McDonalds has a great impact on local culture, which may cause cultural erosion for residents. McDonalds transforms its marketing strategies into pursuing cool, excitement, and adventure, which has a great attraction by the young family (Paul, 1997). Young family is lack of judgment ability, and McDonalds culture may cause them making a mistake. The themes of cool, on your own decision, playing my game are very popular among young people, due to the influences of McDonalds, and these themes may have a violation comparing with local culture. For example, as long as customers shout I m lovein it at the waiter, they will be able to receive a cylindrical ice cream. Such activities are very popular with aggressive young people. Some students think that these activities are very fresh and interesting. All these may affect the native culture to some extent. Meanwhile, McDonalds have an impact on the contemporary way of life. Many children like the food of McDonalds and they want to patronize McDonald as often as they can. Some of them want to go to McDonalds and eat its food everyday, and the food of McDonalds becomes their main food. Nowadays, McDonalds has become the symbol of fashion and adventure. Some young people regard going to McDonalds as a fashion and adventure, which can demonstrate that they are the younger generation. In addition, McDonalds supplies fast food for consumers, which may affect the pace of life. Consumers tend to eat food quickly, and change their previous dietary habits. 4, conclusion Globalization has a great impact on human worldwide, and its impacts can be demonstrated from two aspects: positive impact and negative impact. Its positive impact refers to promoting the development of innovation, promoting the rational allocation of resources and boosting human civilization. Its negative impact focuses on instability of the world economy and global economic crisis. Generally speaking, globalizations positive impact on human beings outweighs its negative impact. Human beings should seize the opportunities of globalization and salute its threats, in order to make a long-term development. Globalization can be understood well by the process of McDonalds globalization (Featherstone, 1991). McDonalds can bring enjoyment for consumers, while it also affects eating habits of consumers, causes cultural erosion and has an impact on contemporary way of life. Globalization is an irresistible trend, and Globalization can give a beneficial effects on consumers as well as adverse effects. So consumers should make full use of its beneficial effects and resist its adverse effects in the process of globalization.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Foucault and the Theories of Power and Identity Essay example -- Fouca

Foucault and the Theories of Power and Identity Foucault believed that power is never in any one person?s hands, it does not show itself in any obvious manner but rather as something that works its way into our imaginations and serves to constrain how we act. For example in the setting of a workplace the power does not pass from the top down; instead it circulates through their organizational practices. Such practices act like a grid, provoking and inciting certain courses of action and denying others. Foucault considers this as no straightforward matter and believes that it rests on how far individuals interpret what is being laid down as 'obvious' or 'self evident', institutional power works best when all parties accept it willingly. Foucault's notion of power is a difficult notion to grasp principally because it is never entirely clear on who has the power in the first place, once the idea is removed that power must be vested in someone at the top of the ladder e.g. the company director, it becomes much more difficult to ident ify what power is or where and whom it lies with. Foucault believes that we are so used to thinking about power as an identifiable and overt force and that this view is simply not the case, because it is taken for granted that the above statement is true then it is much more complicated to comprehend power as a guiding force that does not show itself in an obvious manner. According to Foucault we take it upon ourselves to regulate our own conduct, even though we are free to do and say as we please we choose to constrain our behaviour and the reason for us doing so it that we know what is expected of us, we do not need someone in a position of ?authority? to do this for us, we all take responsibility for our own lives. It is in this sense that power works as an anonymous force, provoking free agents to act in ways that make it difficult for them to do otherwise. Foucault?s theory of power ?revolves around indirect techniques of self-regulation which induce appropriate forms of behaviour.?1, we are free to govern ourselves. In the absence of an authority figure we will automatically restrain our behaviour, there is no ?hand? of power that pushes us all into line, only an acknowledgement that we all work within a framework of choices, that are ultimately subjected to influence and direction, but that we ourselves have the fina... ...ogist Kathy Woodward, she also points out that our identity would need to change depending on whom it is we were interacting with and the situation that we were in, ?subtle and not so subtle variations of identity may well be called upon for each of these roles.?8 Butler describes modern notions of identity as ?being made up of regulatory ideals?9, these regulatory ideals provide ?idealised and reified norms which people are expected to live up to.?10 These types of regulatory ideals are sustained or undermined through performance. Performativity is not a singular act, ?it is always the reiteration of a norm or a set of norms, and to the extent that it acquires an act like status in the present, it conceals or dissimulates the conventions of which it is a repitition.?11It is through this repeated action that that these norms are created and lived up to. This idea can also be related to discourse; Butler argues that performative acts are statements that also produce that which they say. Discourse promotes specific kinds of power relations, in other words to know is to participate in complicated webs of power. Thus perfomative acts are a domain in which discourse acts as power.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Paper on Tech Mahindra

A STUDY ON STRATEGIC ANALYSIS OF TECH MAHINDRA PROJECT DONE AS PART OF THE â€Å"STRATEGY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION† COURSE Submitted to : Brig (Dr) Rajkumar Programme Director and senior professor SMS, JNTUK. Submitted by D. Subba Raju Roll No: 11021E0118 Sl. No| Particulars| Page No| 1. | About industry| 3| 2. | Company details| 3| 3. | Vision| 5| 4. | Mission| 5| 5. | Objectives| 5| 6. | Products| 5| 7. | Competitors| 6| 8. | Core competency| 6| 9. | Michael porters 5 force model| 7| 10. | Swot analysis| 7| 11. | Conclusion| 8| 12. | Bibliography| 9| Table of contents: About industry:The  Information technology  industry in  India  has gained a  brand identity  as a  knowledge economy  due to its IT and ITES sector. The IT–ITES industry has two major components:  IT Services and  business process outsourcing  (BPO). The growth in the  service sector  in India has been led by the IT–ITES sector, contributing substantially to incre ase in  GDP, employment, and exports. The sector has increased its contribution to India's GDP from 1. 2% in FY1998 to 7. 5% in FY2012. According to  NASSCOM, the IT–BPO sector in India aggregated revenues of  US$100 billion in FY2012, where export and domestic revenue stood at  US$69. billion and  US$31. 7 billion respectively, growing by over 9%. The major cities that account for about nearly 90% of this sectors exports are  Bangalore,  Chennai,  Delhi,  Mumbai,  Hyderabad,  Pune,  Kolkata  and  Coimbatore. Export dominate the IT–ITES industry, and constitute about 77% of the total industry revenue. Though the IT–ITES sector is export driven, the domestic market is also significant with a robust revenue growth. [1]  The industry’s share of total Indian exports (merchandise plus services) increased from less than 4% in FY1998 to about 25% in FY2012.According to  Gartner, the â€Å"Top Five Indian IT Services Providersâ₠¬  are  Tata Consultancy Services,  Infosys,  Cognizant,  Wipro  and  HCL Company details: Tech Mahindra Limited (BSE:  532755, NSE:  TECHM) is an Indian provider of networking technology solutions and business process outsourcing (BPO) services to the global telecommunications industry. Headquartered at Pune, India. It is a joint venture between the Mahindra Group and BT Group plc, UK with M;M (Mahindra and Mahindra) holding 44% and BT holding 39% of the equity.On 23 May 2012, Tech Mahindra reported a 3% increase in its revenue for the year ended March 31, to $1. 15 Billion . Its activities spread across a broad spectrum, including Business Support Systems (BSS), Operations Support Systems (OSS), Network Design ; Engineering, Next Generation Networks, Mobility Solutions, Security consulting and Testing. The â€Å"solutions portfolio† includes Consulting, Application Development ; Management, Network Services, Solution Integration, Product Engineering, Infras tructure Managed Services, Remote Infrastructure Management and BSG (comprises BPO, Services and Consulting).Tech Mahindra is ranked #6 in India's software services firms behind Tata Consultancy Services, Wipro, Infosys, HCL Technologies and Satyam Computer Services and overall #161 in Fortune India 500 list for 2011. Tech Mahindra has implemented more than 15 Greenfield Operations globally and has over 128 active customer engagements mostly in the Telecom sector. The company has been involved in about 8 transformation programs of incumbent telecom operators. With an array of service offerings for TSPs, TEMs and ISVs, Tech Mahindra serves: Key Executives: S. No| Name| Designation| | 1| Anand G Mahindra| Chairman| | | | | | | 2| CP Gurnani| Managing Director| | | | | | | | 3| Anil Khatri| Company Secretary| | | | | | | | 4| Bharat N Doshi| Non Executive Director| | | | | | | | 5| Ulhas N Yargop| Non Executive Director| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Milestones * 1986 – Incorporation in India * 1987 – Commencement of Business * 1993 – Incorporation of MBT International Inc. , the first overseas subsidiary * 1994 – Awarded the ISO 9009 certification by BVQI * 1995 – Established the UK branch office 2001 – Incorporated MBT GmbH, Germany incorporated. Re-certified to ISO 9001:1994 by BVQI * 2002 – Assessed at Level 2 of SEI CMM by KPMG. Incorporated MBT Software Technologies Pte. Limited, Singapore * 2005 – Merged MBT with Axes Technologies (India) Private Limited, including its US and Singapore subsidiaries. Assessed at Level 3 of SEI CMMI by KPMG * 2006 – Name changed to Tech Mahindra Limited. Assessed at Level 4 of SEI People-CMM (P-CMM) by QAI India. Raised Rs46. 5 million ($1 million) from a hugely successful IPO to build a new facility in Pune, to house about 9,000 staff .Formed a JV with Motorola Inc. under the name CanvasM. * 2007 – Acquired iPolicy Networks Private Limited. Launched the Tech M Foundation to address the needs of the underprivileged in our society. * 2009 – Tech M wins bid for fraud-hit Satyam Computer Services at Rs 58. 90 per share outdoing Larsen & Toubro, the other player in the fray, which bid at Rs 45. 90. Rebrands the company to Mahindra Satyam. * 2010 – Tech Mahindra expands footprint in Latin America Awards * It was  Asia’s Best Performing Companies 2008 at Business Week award. Tech Mahindra received Growth Excellence Award 2008 by Frost & Sullivan. * It was acknowledged as 6th largest Software Services Company in  India  by NASSCOM in 2008. * The company is recognized as winner of the 2011 Microsoft Communications Sector Partner of the Year Award. * The company is declared as winner of 2010 and 2011 AT&T Supplier Award for outstanding performance & service to AT&T and its affiliates Tech Mahindra Offices Tech Mahindra has offices in more than 30 countries. India: Kolkata, Pune, Noida, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Gurgaon, Chandigarh, Hyderabad.Tech Mahindra has its BPO presence in Kolkata, Chennai, Chandigarh, Pune, and Noida. It also has overseas office locations in Belfast and Newcastle. Tech Mahindra has operations in more than 30 countries with 17 sales offices and 13 delivery centers. Assessed at SEI CMMi Level 5, Tech Mahindra employs over 42,000 workers. Acquisition of Satyam Computer Services Ltd. After the Satyam scandal of 2008-09, Tech Mahindra bid for Satyam Computer Services, and emerged as a top bidder with an offer of Rs 59 a share for a 31 per cent stake in the company, beating a strong rival Larsen & Toubro.After evaluating the bids, the government-appointed board of Satyam Computer announced on 13 April 2009: â€Å"its Board of Directors has selected Venturbay Consultants Private Limited, a subsidiary controlled by Tech Mahindra Limited as the high est bidder to acquire a controlling stake in the Company, subject to the approval of the Hon'ble Company Law Board. † Through a subsidiary, it has emerged victorious in Satyam sell-off, a company probably two times its size in number of people. Merger with Mahindra Satyam Tech Mahindra will be merged with Mahindra Satyam in next half of 2012 to build a 2. -billion $ IT Company in India. Tech Mahindra announced its merger with Mahindra Satyam on March 21,2012,after the board of two companies gave the approval. The two firms have received the go-ahead for merger from the Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange. Vision: To be the leading global software solutions provider to the telecom industry. Mission: To be the global leader in outsourcing services to the telecom industry, building on our technologies, competencies and customer interests, and creating value for our shareholders and customers. Objectives: Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery * Business centu ry assessment services * Business Continuity Assessment Services * Business Continuity Lifecycle Consulting and Implementation * Business Environment Analysis * Business Recovery Strategy Design and Plan Development * IT Disaster Recovery Training, Failover Testing and Exercising * Business Continuity Plan Training, Testing and Exercising * IT Disaster Recovery Strategy Design and Plan Development * IT Environment Analysis * IT Disaster Recovery Strategy Design and Plan Development | | | Products: * Telecom Equipment Manufacturers, Independent Software Vendors, * Communications Service Providers Competitors: TCS, Infosys,Wipro,HCL Tech, Mahindra Satyam, etc. , | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Core competency: * Managed Services * Application Management Services. * Infrastructure Management Services * Revenue Management Services * Mobile Virtual Network Enabler Services Shift from high to lowMedium Very High Low Threats of substitutes: Other offshore locations such as eastern Europe, the Philippines and china, are emerging and are posing threat to Infosys because of their cost-advantage. * Price quoted for projects is a major differentiator, the quality of products being same. Bargaining power of supplier: * Du e to slowdown, the job-cuts, the layoffs and bleak IT outlook. * Availability of vast talent pool – fresher and experienced. Bargaining power of customers: * Large number of IT companies vying for IT projects. * Huge decline in IT expenditure. Barriers to entry * Low capital requirements. * Large value chain * MNCs are ramping up capacity and employee strength.Rivalry among Firms: * Commoditized offerings * Low-cost, little differentiation positioning. * High industry growth Michael porters 5 force model: Swot analysis: Strengths: †¢ Tech Mahindra, while not the first name in the TVS arena, claims an impressive roster of telecom operator customers and Tech Mahindra’s integration with sister company, Mahindra Satyam, matches Tech Mahindra’s telecom industry expertise with Satyam’s established enterprise IT expertise serving vertical industries in BSS and BPO †¢ Tech Mahindra boasts a full range of telecom network optimization service †¢ It h as been assessed and awarded a CMMI Level 5 (v1. ) and System Security processes SSECMM Level 3 rating. †¢ Tech Mahindra is a large, global operation and the ? fth largest software exporter in India. Weaknesses: †¢ Despite Tech Mahindra’s ability to serve customers from an â€Å"art to part† perspective †¢ Whereas rival IT giants, such as IBM, HP, etc. , often partner alongside network equipment providers in services engagements, Tech Mahindra is less of a partner with equipment vendors and more of a direct competitor and threat in areas such as network optimizations, and increasingly software design and integrations. While the lines of competition between Tech Mahindra and traditional telecom network vendors are still relatively distinct, this line will continue to blur over time as concepts such as OSS/BSS integrations, network optimizations, and BPOs within vertical markets take on an increasing importance †¢ Despite Tech Mahindra’s overt focus on the telecom industry, it is not the only market that the company deals with. Going forward, as it is integrated with Mahindra Satyam, the telecom focus runs the risk of being obscured within a larger set of businesses. While Tech Mahindra’s revenue stream seems well balanced based upon the geographic distribution of 50% Europe, 30% North America and 20% ROW, its revenue based upon clients tells a different story Opportunities: †¢ Tech Mahindra needs to consider being more vocal about its success with telecom operator engagements. †¢ Further on the traction demonstration front, Tech Mahindra should detail any and all success that it is having with telecom network optimization projects – particularly on an end–to-end basis. Tech Mahindra should take care to highlight instances where it cooperates with traditional network infrastructure players – in outsourced R&D for example †¢ As soon as possible, Tech Mahindra should publicize inst ances of how its integration with Mahindra Satyam has resulted in a broadening of telecom-focused engagements in vertical markets. †¢ Tech Mahindra should make it a strategic imperative to broaden the key customer base to reduce the revenue reliance on these key customers. Threats: IBM should play up its informal partnership with Asia/Info to send the message that while it has broad and deep †¢ Smaller, yet still important, pure plays like WiPro need to respond to Mahindra’s integration of its telecom and enterprise practice so as to let the market know where they stand with respect to Mahindra’s new value proposition. †¢ Network integrators such as Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson and NSN need to provide as much evidence as possible that will demonstrate their strengths in areas such as OSS integration and business transformation services. Network equipment vendors such as Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson, NSN, etc. need to also play up the value that developing teleco m products brings to the professional services arena. †¢ Telecom network vendors need to be careful when tackling vertical market network opportunities. Share Value of Tech Mahindra at NSE Conclusion: Through the analysis, Tech Mahindra is a global leading company in IT sector. It has been maintaining certain strategies to be leader in the IT industry. Its revenue in 2011 is at INR 1,261. 5 crore Bibliography: Techmahindra. com

Friday, January 3, 2020

Biography of Benito Juárez, Mexicos Liberal Reformer

Benito Juà ¡rez  (March 21, 1806–July 18, 1872) was a Mexican politician and statesman of the late 19th century and president of Mexico for five terms during the turbulent years of 1858–1872. Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of Juà ¡rez’s life in politics was his background: he was a full-blooded native of Zapotec descent and the only full-blooded native to ever serve as president of Mexico. He did not even speak Spanish until he was in his teens. He was an important and charismatic leader whose influence is still felt today. Fast Facts: Benito Juarez Known For: First Mexican president of full Mexican heritageAlso Known As: Benito Pablo Juà ¡rez Garcà ­aBorn: March 21, 1806 in  San Pablo Guelatao, MexicoParents: Brà ­gida Garcà ­a and Marcelino Juà ¡rezEducation:   Oaxaca Institute of Arts and SciencesDied: July 18, 1872  in Mexico City, MexicoAwards and Honors:  Namesake for many roads and schools as well as the Mexico City airportSpouse: Margarita Maza  Children: 12 with Margarita Maza; 2 with Juana Rosa ChagoyaNotable Quote: Among individuals, as among nations, respect for the rights of others is peace. Early Years Born on March 21, 1806, into grinding poverty in the rural hamlet of San Pablo Guelatao, Juà ¡rez was orphaned as a toddler and worked in the fields for most of his young life. He went to the city of Oaxaca at the age of 12 to live with his sister and worked as a servant for a time before being noticed by Antonio Salanueva, a Franciscan friar. Salanueva saw him as a potential priest and arranged for Juà ¡rez to enter the Santa Cruz seminary, where young Benito learned Spanish and law before graduating in 1827. He continued his education, entering the Institute of Science and Art  and graduating in 1834 with a law degree. 1834–1854: His Political Career Begins Even before his graduation in 1834, Juà ¡rez was involved in local politics, serving as a city councilman in Oaxaca, where he earned a reputation as a staunch defender of native rights. He was made a judge in 1841 and became known as a fiercely anti-clerical liberal. By 1847 he had been elected governor of the state of Oaxaca. The United States and Mexico were at war from 1846 to 1848, although Oaxaca was nowhere near the fighting. During his tenure as governor, Juà ¡rez angered conservatives by passing laws allowing for the confiscation of church funds and lands. After the end of the war with the United States, former President Antonio Là ³pez de Santa Anna had been driven from Mexico. In 1853, however, he returned and quickly set up a conservative government that drove many liberals into exile, including Juà ¡rez. Juà ¡rez spent time in Cuba and New Orleans, where he worked in a cigarette factory. While in New Orleans, he joined with other exiles to plot Santa Anna’s downfall. When the liberal general Juan Alvarez launched a coup, Juarez hurried back  and was there in November 1854 when Alvarez’s forces captured the capital. Alvarez made himself president and named Juà ¡rez the minister of justice. 1854–1861: Conflict Brewing The liberals had the upper hand for the moment, but their ideological conflict with conservatives continued to smolder. As minister of justice, Juà ¡rez passed laws limiting church power, and in 1857 a new constitution was passed, which limited that power even further. By then, Juà ¡rez was in Mexico City, serving in his new role as chief justice of the Supreme Court. The new constitution turned out to be the spark that reignited the smoking fires of conflict between the liberals and conservatives, and in December 1857, conservative general Fà ©lix Zuloaga overthrew the Alvarez government. Juà ¡rez and other prominent liberals were arrested. Released from prison, Juà ¡rez went to Guanajuato, where he declared himself president and declared war. The two governments led by Juà ¡rez and Zuloaga were sharply divided, mostly over the role of religion in government. Juà ¡rez worked to further limit the powers of the church during the conflict. The U.S. government, forced to pick a side, formally recognized the liberal Juà ¡rez government in 1859. This turned the tide in favor of the liberals, and on Jan. 1, 1861, Juà ¡rez returned to Mexico City to assume the presidency of a united Mexico. European Intervention After the disastrous reform war, Mexico and its economy were in tatters. The nation still owed great sums of money to foreign nations, and in late 1861, Britain, Spain, and France united to send troops to Mexico to collect. Intense, last-minute negotiations convinced the British and Spanish to withdraw, but the French remained  and began fighting their way to the capital, which they reached in 1863. They were welcomed by conservatives, who had been out of power since Juà ¡rez’s return. Juà ¡rez and his government were forced to flee. The French invited Ferdinand Maximilian Joseph, a 31-year-old Austrian nobleman, to come to Mexico and assume rule. In this, they had the support of many Mexican conservatives, who thought that a monarchy would best stabilize the country. Maximilian and his wife Carlota arrived in 1864, where they were crowned emperor and empress of Mexico. Juà ¡rez continued the war with the French and conservative forces, eventually forcing the emperor to flee the capital. Maximilian was captured and executed in 1867, effectively ending the French occupation. Death Juà ¡rez was reelected to the presidency in 1867 and 1871, but he did not live to finish his last term. He was felled by a heart attack while working at his desk on July 18, 1872. Legacy Today, Mexicans view Juà ¡rez much like some Americans see Abraham Lincoln: he was a firm leader when his nation needed one and took a side on a social issue that drove his nation to war. There is a city (Ciudad Juà ¡rez) named after him, as well as countless streets, schools, businesses, and more. He is held in particularly high regard by Mexico’s considerable indigenous population, which rightly views him as a trailblazer in native rights and justice. Sources Gonzalez Navarro, Moises. Benito Juarez. Mexico City: El Colegio de Mexico, 2006.Hammett, Brian. Juà ¡rez. Profiles in Power.  Longman Press, 1994. Ridley, Jasper. Maximilian Juarez. Phoenix Press, 2001.